Atisha Dipankar Srijnana's ancestral village Vajrajogini is in the historical Dhaka-Bikrampur (currently Munshiganj) district of East Bengal. My oldest uncle's wife, who came into our family as a teen-bride in the 1930s, had her ancestral home here. The site of Atisha's family home is a mound now, locally known as Nastik Panditer Bhita or the Atheist Pandit's Homestead, where government ministers vie to erect pillars and locals to dry clothes or graze cattle.

Thank You for the photos from Vajrayogini vilaage.
Sri Bijoy Ratan Mitra, who lived in the Sealdah railway quaters in Kolkata and passed away in December 2005 was born in Vajrayogini in ~1917. He was a disciple of Swami Pranavananda and he was called 'kaku' by all who knew him. Kaku spent his life in doing whatever he could to help those around him. He is one of the many houshold 'saints' that Bengal has produced. Thanks again.
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