Wednesday, September 1

Neer Bharan

Wajid Ali Shah, Nawab of Lucknow, passed away 123 years ago this month, in exile in Metiaburz, Kolkata. Remembered as the composer (under the nom-de-plume of Akhtaripiya or Star-beloved) of Babul Mora Naihar Chhuto Hi Jai, he also composed classical bandish, such as the one below in Rag Tilak Kamod. Perhaps you, too, gentle reader, are tired of jewelled jowly divas trying to sound like village belles; in spite of the notorious glitter of the Lakhnavi chanteuse, I rather think the Nawab, too, would rather prefer the real thing.

नीर भरन कैसे जाऊं
सखी री अब
नीर भरन कैसे जाऊं
डगर चलत मोसे करत रार अब
नीर भरन कैसे जाऊं

ऐसो चंचल चपल हट नटखट
मानत न काहु की बात
बिनति करत मैं तो गई
हार अब
नीर भरन कैसे जाऊं

(करत रार in this context is to squabble.)


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